Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jennie Bishop's Books

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Now that we have been introduced to Jennie Bishop's books - namely, The Princess and the Kiss & The Squire and the Scroll, let's find out what we can do with them.

You can use these books together with the Life Lessons books to work with your children on the values of purity and integrity. The time spent with your child working on these values is a very very special and precious time. You are not only imparting God's truth and values to them but it is also a time of special bonding with your child. You and your child will learn much together and you will also get know your child better. Children feel very special when their parents take time and effort to be with them and teach them.

Or you can use them with the kids in your Inter-Generation Cell group. A great way to engage the children.

Another way is to gather a group of your child's friends together and go through the Life Lessons together. One mom did this with her son and his group of 5-6 classmates and Sunday School friends. The group took a journey with the squire and learnt together how they can keep their eyes, ears, heart, mouth, hands and feet pure for the Lord. The group had good fun learning together what they can or cannot do with all their different senses. They touched on topics such as pornography, xrated or violent movies and how to respect a girl, to think about what they want in their future spouse and to pray for her.... This mom noted that it was interesting to see the boys' reaction to some of these topics and questions.

It had been an enriching time for both the mom and the boys. Who better to teach these values of purity and integrity and answer the kids' questions or doubts or fears than the mom herself or the dad himself.

It is never too early to start. If we do not take the time and effort to teach our kids and be intentional about passing on the right values to them, somebody else will. Without effort and restrain, the world, through the media has been bombarding the kids daily with wrong thoughts and values. They will pick up some other values from their friends in school too.

It is also never too late to start. Even teens can benefit from a time of learning together with their group of friends using these books with their cell leader.

In one of our Heart2Heart sessions, we discussed that a few ways to prepare our children for the future. One is to build a good relationship with them. Going through this book together with your child, whether alone or in group, is a great way of bonding with your child. With a good relationship, the child can be assured that he or she can come to you for any questions regarding their sexuality, boy-girl relationship or any other matters, without being judged or condemned.

Another way to help prepare or influence our children for the future is to dial in the right friends for our children. Using these books, in a small group setting with their good friends, is one of getting to know the friends our child is hanging out with. It also allows you to inculcate right values in their friends.

The benefit of such an exercise is just countless and the rewards are tremendous.

Perhaps, you may want to consider doing something like this for your child and with your child this year. This may be the most rewarding thing that you will do and the best gift you can give your child :)

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