Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Prayer for Examination

Please look up our new wordpress Hearts of Moms Blog for A Prayer for Examination

You will find our latest posts there and many more wonderful resources

Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking for A Personal Coach or Mentor for Moms?

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

How many of us wish that we have a personal coach or mentor who can guide us in our mommy 'job'? - Something like having a super nanny with us?

Believe it or not? You can have one, 2 or more. Actually, we are blessed with many wonderful online resources and these resources can be like mommy coaches and mentors to us in our journey of motherhood.

In raising children, there is so much for us to remember, so much for us to consider, so much for us to do as a mom....

We want to give the best to Junior! We want Junior to excel! We want Junior to achieve his potential!

There are so many school of thoughts out there. Which do we look at? Which do we follow? How can we guide Junior? How do we discipline him? To spank or not to spank? How can we have a good relationship with Junior? How can we help him realise his potential?

Just the thought of these do overwhelm us. And don't we wish we have someone to guide us and show us the ropes of parenting, of motherhood?

Personally, I find listening to some of the podcasts from these online ministries do keep me sane and grounded.

In many ways, these podcasts have become my 'lifeline' as
  1. The teaching of God's word help me to keep my eyes off the problems at hand and focus on the Lord
  2. Listening to God's word also builds my faith to handle crisis at home
  3. Learning how God's word can be applicable to all aspects of my life as a mom, to any situation at home - problem with kid in school, finances, health etc
  4. The interviews and sharing of testimonies and experiences on FamilyLife and Focus on the Family help me realise that "Hey! I am not alone in my struggle as a mom! There are many more out there in the same boat and I can learn from their mistakes and experiences."
  5. These different interviews also open up my mind to a bigger world instead of being so focused and microscopic on my own child rearing problems.
  6. The testimonies and encouragement give me hope to cling on to God and be reminded that God has a special plan for each of my child.
  7. These podcasts also raise awareness of possible future challenges I may encounter as my child grows and how can I prepare for these changes and challenges. eg knowing what may be ahead of pre-teen, help me lay some ground work before the teen years arrive,
  8. When encountering a discipline problem or some or issues with kids, I may recall some of the things I have picked up from the podcast and try it out.
  9. These podcasts also teach me how I can pray for my children, my spouse and family
  10. They point me in the right direction - a guidepost in a sea of confusion:)
There are just so much more benefits one can get out of these podcasts. These podcasts from these ministries offer biblically sound advice in parenting and in growing our faith in the Lord.

Over the years, these podcasts have become my personal coaches and mentors in my walk with the Lord and my mommy journey. Hence, I really do encourage you to go check out these links and listen to their online broadcasts or download them onto the computer into itunes onto your ipod if you have one.

And you can listen to them at any time of the day, in your car, in the bus or when you go to work or just having some break time in front of the PC.

You will very blessed and thankful that you had done so!

(I am sure for those of us who have clicked on to some the links in our past postings and listened to them were blessed by them. So why not, listen to them on a daily basis and grow in your faith and as a mommy)


Friday, April 24, 2009

My Child's Relationship with Me Recap

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

These are some of the key take home points from last session:

¨ The quality of your relationship with your children will determine the weight of your influence.

¨ In the early years of parenting, influence is based on the parent’s size and position.

¨ Your children need your influence the most when they make the decisions that matter the most.

¨ To exasperate your child means to abuse your size or position.

¨ There comes a time in parenting when control is no longer the objective.

¨ Exasperation erodes relationships and destroys the leverage influence.

The DVD gave some insights on parenting based on Eph 6:4..."Fathers [Parents - Moms and Dads], do not exasperate your children; instead bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."

Often times, we feel responsible for the outcome in our child's life. We have expectations on how/what our child should turn out to be.

Hence, we apply controls on our children, sometimes to the extent of abusing our size and position. In Eph 6:4, Paul exhorts the parents to cultivate, nurture and nourish the relationship with their children; shaping their lives in God's ways; as they grow from toddler into adulthood.

How well a child is equipped to face life in adulthood is largely determined by the quality of of the child's relationship with God, his/her parents and others outside the home. We, parents are in the unique position to provide guidance in our child's needs in these areas, to prepare him/her to be all God intends him/her to be in adulthood. Ultimately, God is responsible for the outcome in our child's life.
Perhaps, some food for thought is to look at how Jesus demonstrated this transition of from control to influence in His disciples - His spiritual children. Look at John 15:1-15

The Key is for us to remain in Him. God is our Heavenly Father, and we need His influence in our lives. One of the best ways to invite His influence is by memorizing His Word.

God is also the perfect parent, and His word contains perfect advice for all parents.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The 7 A's of Parenting Principles

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

Did you manage to listen to the Sharing Of Josh McDowell's Overcoming the Father's Wound in our previous posting on Something for the Dads ? If you haven't, I really do encourage you to take some time to do so. You will glean much gems from the Josh McDowell's testimony.

This podcast left a quite a deep impact on me and I went on to look for more of his resources and found some very valuable resources on Youtube and also on Josh McDowell's Ministry's Website.

I pray you will spend some time to watch this, whether alone or with your spouse.

The 7 A's of Parenting Principles to A Loving Family Relationship :
  1. Affirmation 1 of 7 Steps To A Loving Family Rel...
  2. Acceptance 2 of 7 Steps To A Loving Family Rela...
  3. Appreciation 3 of 7 Steps to a Loving Family Re...
  4. Affection 4 of 7 Steps to a Loving Family Relat...
  5. Availability 5 of 7 steps to a Loving Family Re...
  6. Approach 6 of 7 Steps to a Loving Family Relati...
  7. Accountability 7 of 7 Steps to a Loving Family ...
And at Josh McDowell's Ministries' website Josh McDowell Ministries, you are also able to download free devotionals (for yourself and your teenager) and resources that can help you and your husband in your parenting journey. There, you will find resources for your children, your teens and yourselves. It is a treasure house of gems for the building up of relationships in the family.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Something for the Dads

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

For a change, here is something for DADS.

Dads play a very important role in the well being of the family and kids. So, we mustn't neglect our men.

These are really great and touching podcasts that dads will not want to miss. Very strong and powerful messages for dads and moms too.

Pass these links onto your husband and allow him to listen to him at his own pace and time. (Give our men the space to do so. We can support them quietly with our prayers instead of our naggings) He can listen to them online or download them onto iTunes. You can also read the transcripts from the broadcasts from FamilyLife.

From Focus on the Family :

Overcoming the Father's Wound - Testimony Josh McDowell
(this is a very moving and powerful testimony of Josh McDowell that may change the way you, Dad parent your child)

From FamilyLife :

Becoming A Dad - An Interview with Stephen James & David Thomas
(On the broadcast today, pastor Stephen James and Christian counselor, David Thomas, authors of the book Becoming a Dad, recall the moment when each realized they were going to be a father, and the confusing, exhilarating feelings that followed.)

The Difference a Father Makes - An Interview with Ed McGlasson
(Former NFL player Ed McGlasson, now the senior pastor of Stadium Vineyard in Anaheim, CA, talks with Dennis Rainey about the rewards that come when a father chooses to bless and encourage his children with his words.)

Step Up to the Plate, Dad! - An Interview with RV Brown
(Evangelist RV Brown, founder and president of Outreach to America's Youth, talks to Dennis Rainey about growing up as an African-American in the South in the 50's and 60's. Hear how he managed to rise above the hardships and find his way to Christ and a better life away from the family farm.)
To Own A Dragon - An Interview with Donald Miller
(Donald Miller, a best-selling author and director of the online magazine The Burnside Writers Collective, talks openly with Dennis Rainey about growing up fatherless. Hear how his "lack of an earthly father" marked him growing up, and still affects him today.)

How a Man Prays for His Family - An Interview with John Yates
(John Yates, a father of five and rector of Falls Church Episcopal Church in Falls Church, VA, gives men some valuable tips for praying for their family.)

All Pro Dad - An Interview with Tony Dungy
(Tony Dungy, head coach for the Indianapolis Colts, encourages men to win on and off the field by purposely loving and pursuing their children.)

* Helping Parents Raise A Modern Day Knight - An Interview with Dr Robert Lewis
(Author and pastor Robert Lewis prods fathers to get actively involved in the awesome responsibilities of fatherhood.)

The Stepping Up to Manhood - Dennis Rainey
(There is confusion today about the meaning of manhood. Author Dennis Rainey calls men to step up and be real men--strong, purposeful and spiritual. Hear Dennis tell how a father's influence can be the compass that points a boy to true masculinity.)
  1. The Power of a Father's Influence
  2. Defining the Search for Manhood
  3. Taking the Journey Up the Steps to Manhood
  4. Barbara Shares (Barbara Rainey, beloved wife of "FamilyLife Today" host Dennis Rainey and a popular author and speaker, talks frankly to women about the five things that hinder manly development.)
  5. Barbara Shares (Barbara Rainey, wife of FamilyLife President Dennis Rainey and mother of six, gives wives five suggestions for encouraging their husbands toward manhood.)

Interviewing Your Daughter's Date - Dennis Rainey
(Dennis Rainey talks about the benefits of interviewing your daughter's dates. Join us today as he tells why a father doesn't want to miss out on being his daughter's protector.)

Daddy, Do You Love Me? - An Interview with Ariel Allison & Shelby Rawson
(Fathers make a huge impact on their daughter's lives, whether for good or for bad. On today's broadcast, Shelby Rawson and Ariel Allison, authors of the book Daddy, Do You Love Me?, tell Dennis Rainey about the struggles they've had trying to connect with their fathers through the years, and how their rocky relationships with the man they called "Dad" affected them as young women.)

Growth into Manhood - An Interview with Alan Medinger & DonSchemierer
(How might a boy's hunger for acceptance and approval lure him into homosexuality? Alan Medinger, founder of the ex-gay ministry Regeneration, and author Don Schmierer tell how children are impacted by an emotionally absent father.)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What are Your Tweens/Teens Reading?

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

Unsure of the books that your tweens or teens are reading? Are they appropriate? Are they good for them?

Go to Focus on the Family website Welcome to Focus on the Family and check out the book reviews. These book reviews cover content, themes and worldview of fiction books. They are designed to equip parents to decide whether the book is appropriate or inappropriate for their children. In it you will also find some discussion questions or topics that you can talk over with your kids - a great way to connect and bond with our children! :)

I thought this is really neat.

Click on links below to bring you to these book reports.

These book reviews are really helpful as there is a plethora of books out there with all kinds of values and messages. We want to be discerning parents. And we also want to ensure that our children are feeding their minds with the right materials (garbage in, garbage out)
Point to note : Remember these are book reviews. A book's inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement by Focus on the Family.

On another website at FamilyLife FamilyLife Today -, you can check out a reading listfor ages 6-19, recommended by Ellie Williams The Williams Children's Favorite Books

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen Today!


Christ is Risen Today!

Wishing all our readers a Happy & Blessed Easter!

Because Christ Lives, we live too and we can face tomorrow!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 17th Meeting : My Child's Relationship with Me

Your effectiveness as a parent is entirely dependent on your ability to maintain influence in your child’s life.  Influence is everything.  In the early years, your size and position make it easy to exert influence over your child.  You have the final say in virtually every decision in his life.

But somewhere between toddlerhood and the teenage years, a shift takes place.  And if you don’t also make a shift in your parenting methods, you may find yourself having lost the influence you need to parent your child effectively.

In this session, we’ll explore the factors that determine the weight of your influence in your child’s life.  And you’ll learn important strategies to help you maintain a position that will enable you to give your child the counsel he needs from you at the critical junctures ahead.

Come join us on Friday 17th April 2009 as we learn via DVD from Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries.

Topic   : My Child's Relationship with Me
               (Preparing My Children for the Future III)
Date     : Friday, 17th April, 2009
Time    : 9:00-11:30 am
Place    : BRMC Conference Rooms 1 & 2

See you there :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Teaching Kids through Hymns

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

While listening to some older Focus on the Family podcasts, I came across the Wolgemuth family and what they did to pass on the Christian heritage and legacy to their children and their grandchildren. The Wolgemuth used hymns to teach biblical truths to their kids and reminded us we can do the same as well.

We tend to remember things better when they are sung in jingles or in songs. And what a fun and cheerful way to teach our children God's truth and word through songs and hymns. These bible truths can be a great resource of comfort and help during trying and difficult times as the kids grow into their adulthood.

It is said that as we age, our memory begins to fail us and we cannot remember names and faces; however, the things we memorized when we were at a very young age are the things that we remember best. And having these hymns in our mind's store house is a precious treasure as these hymns can bring much comfort and peace to the spirit and soul. So teaching our young children hymns is a great investment we can give to our children.

The podcasts on Focus on the Family is no longer available but you can listen to an interview with the Wolgemuth Family on Revive Our Hearts. You can follow these links to read the transcripts or listen to the 2 day interview :
The Wolgemuth have published a few books that feature timeless hymns. In these books, you will find all that you need to teach your children about God's wonderous love and power of the cross. These books are filled with delightful stories from the bible, devotionals which you can use with your children, and also a little background of the author of the hymns. These books come with a cd of fully orhcestrated versions of the hymns with children's voices. They are a delight to listen to.

You can check out these cds on the following links :
Listen to some of the sample of the songs that are made available there. ( O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing, Up from the Grave He Arose among the many other beautiful tracks!) Really beautiful singing - sounds like little angels. They are really a great tool for teaching God's word and our Christian faith and heritage!

Wonderful books to have in our children's library. A very good gift to give as a birthday or Christmas or Baptism!!

I really enjoyed the cds and books!!

These books with cds will probably be available at SKS at a later date. Do give them a call and check with them. (just checked with them - they have volume 1 & 2 in stock)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2nd Quarter Meeting Dates

17th April  

My Child's Relationship with Me

(Preparing Our Children for the Future)

As our child grows from baby to teenager, 

our relationship also gradually shifts.

Are we mindful of that, and how can

we continue to maintain an influence in

our child's life?

8th May  

Celebrating Motherhood!

Happy Mother's Day

22nd May  

My Child's Relationship with Others (Friends)

(Preparing Our Children for the Future)

As our kids move on to the teenage years, 

friends begin to exert a greater role in their lives.  

A friend has more potential to influence a person 

than either his parents or God.  

What can we do to influence our child's choice of friends?

Keep these dates free and come and join us!