Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking for A Personal Coach or Mentor for Moms?

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

How many of us wish that we have a personal coach or mentor who can guide us in our mommy 'job'? - Something like having a super nanny with us?

Believe it or not? You can have one, 2 or more. Actually, we are blessed with many wonderful online resources and these resources can be like mommy coaches and mentors to us in our journey of motherhood.

In raising children, there is so much for us to remember, so much for us to consider, so much for us to do as a mom....

We want to give the best to Junior! We want Junior to excel! We want Junior to achieve his potential!

There are so many school of thoughts out there. Which do we look at? Which do we follow? How can we guide Junior? How do we discipline him? To spank or not to spank? How can we have a good relationship with Junior? How can we help him realise his potential?

Just the thought of these do overwhelm us. And don't we wish we have someone to guide us and show us the ropes of parenting, of motherhood?

Personally, I find listening to some of the podcasts from these online ministries do keep me sane and grounded.

In many ways, these podcasts have become my 'lifeline' as
  1. The teaching of God's word help me to keep my eyes off the problems at hand and focus on the Lord
  2. Listening to God's word also builds my faith to handle crisis at home
  3. Learning how God's word can be applicable to all aspects of my life as a mom, to any situation at home - problem with kid in school, finances, health etc
  4. The interviews and sharing of testimonies and experiences on FamilyLife and Focus on the Family help me realise that "Hey! I am not alone in my struggle as a mom! There are many more out there in the same boat and I can learn from their mistakes and experiences."
  5. These different interviews also open up my mind to a bigger world instead of being so focused and microscopic on my own child rearing problems.
  6. The testimonies and encouragement give me hope to cling on to God and be reminded that God has a special plan for each of my child.
  7. These podcasts also raise awareness of possible future challenges I may encounter as my child grows and how can I prepare for these changes and challenges. eg knowing what may be ahead of pre-teen, help me lay some ground work before the teen years arrive,
  8. When encountering a discipline problem or some or issues with kids, I may recall some of the things I have picked up from the podcast and try it out.
  9. These podcasts also teach me how I can pray for my children, my spouse and family
  10. They point me in the right direction - a guidepost in a sea of confusion:)
There are just so much more benefits one can get out of these podcasts. These podcasts from these ministries offer biblically sound advice in parenting and in growing our faith in the Lord.

Over the years, these podcasts have become my personal coaches and mentors in my walk with the Lord and my mommy journey. Hence, I really do encourage you to go check out these links and listen to their online broadcasts or download them onto the computer into itunes onto your ipod if you have one.

And you can listen to them at any time of the day, in your car, in the bus or when you go to work or just having some break time in front of the PC.

You will very blessed and thankful that you had done so!

(I am sure for those of us who have clicked on to some the links in our past postings and listened to them were blessed by them. So why not, listen to them on a daily basis and grow in your faith and as a mommy)


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