Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Monday, March 30, 2009

Preparing Your Tweeny for the Teen Years

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Being a Teen is more challenging today than it was during our growing up years. Life was simpler then. At least that is how life was for me.

But with the pressures and demands of school and the ever changing value systems of culture and society, being a teen can be a very intimidating and even frightening thought or experience.

As parents, we can help prepare them for these changing and challenging times by talking with them and preparing them for the changes that will be taking place in their bodies and their emotions.

It can be frightening for the young child to see these changes taking place without being prepared for the changes. Better we help them understand and be prepared than they get their "lessons" from the wrong sources or their just as ignorant peers and friends.

The books listed below are great books to help get our tweens (9-12 years old) and younger teens be mentally and emotionally prepared for what is ahead. These books are written simply, in a fun but engaging way. The illustrations and examples make growing up fun and exciting.

The books below are also biblically based with emphasis on purity of mind and body. Most of these books cover many questions that the child may be shy or embarrassed to ask their parents about. These are also great books for moms to read, to gain a better understanding of what is happening or will be happening to their little darlings, especially for moms with boys. :) A good refresher for moms of girls too, for some of us may have forgotten what it was like to be growing up with all these changes taking place in our bodies :)

These books are also wonderful launching pad for conversations with them regarding their fears and anxieties.

So do look up these links and check out these great books for boys and girls.

And some books for us moms as well to prepare ourselves for the oncoming changes and challenges in our tweenie's life.

And while you are here, do look up the children's books on purity and integrity by Jennie Bishop and how we can reinforce these values into our tweenies and teens :

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