Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Take away from "Prayer .. A Way ..."

Once again, we were glad we came to Heart2Heart as many of us went home blessed and enriched.

Below is one mom's take away from the session of Prayer ... A Way ... 

By Mommy S :

1) We are all unique in our own ways, our environment and circumstances (e.g. we have different lifestyles, different seasons in life) are unique, our prayers to God are unique (no two prayers are exactly alike).

2) The way we approach God thru prayers can reflect our relationship with God.  Someone said praying is like talking to GOD, so how you talk to God can reflect how you relate to God - linked to one's relationship with GOD?

3) The short video-clip, one key message I got was thru the imagery of a symphony - like it or not, we are all playing a song, so the question is not are you playing the song, but are you in tune in the song?  Are we playing the right 'key'?  And are we too caught up with the technicalities that we lose the purity & enjoyment of the song?
4) The story about the 2 ships & 1 boat was also good. 

The first ship - Titanic, was going fast into unchartered waters, didn't see ice-bergs below. 

The second ship whose captain was a godly man, was prompted and led by God (in pitch darkness)  into unchartered waters to save the survivors of the first ship.  And as daylight broke, this captain was in awe of God when he saw how dangerous and perilous his ship's night journey had been with the waters filled with icebergs.

Then there was the boat that was involved with illegal activities.  It couldn't and didn't go in to save the survivors of the first ship as the men on board were afraid of being found out.  These men were possibly haunted by guilt for the rest of their lives.  

In life, the destination is important. But the process - the journey - and how we travel - to reach the destination is also important.
Through prayers, reading the Living Word, we can choose to take time to seek the Lord, have a relationship with GOD, to come clean before God as we go thru life's journey (which is full of uncertainties & 'unchartered waters').  This may possibly help us to avoid or better-managed the unseen "icebergs" unrevealed to us yet. 
Alternatively, we can rush into life, take risks, and bumped into "icebergs" randomly, or worst still, continue to do "illegal activities" (struggle with sin & unrepentance) and thus can't come clean before GOD, to be used by GOD, to fulfill His purpose in our lives e.g. one of them would be to help others, to be a blessing to others, and usher them/bring them into the Kingdom of GOD - which is a safe place to be.

Indeed, we are all earthern vessels for the Lord. So are our "ships" or "boats" heading in the right direction? Is it travelling too fast & hitting ice-bergs? Is it leaking? Is it doing illegal activities?
5) I also like the "tightrope" imagery.  Very good to reflect about.  Life is like walking on this tight rope with many things to balance.  The pole, which helps us balance is like our prayer life and God's word.  And with that and our eyes on the target and destination, we will be able to navigate our way safely, across the tight rope to our destination.

From this session we also learn that we  communicate with God, our love, faithfulness, devotion to and for Him with our lives, such that our lives in itself be come a prayer.  And our bodies become a spiritual act of worship. In all things we give thanks and worship Him unceasingly through our lifes ...... even in our roles as mothers, wives, daughters etc.

We too learnt that, God's symphony, through creation, His word, and lives of godly people etc is also being played from time memorable.  Do we hear it?  The question is are we in tune with His symphony?
When we display sacrificial qualities (as mums,wives etc) and godly character/lives,  we stand apart from other tunes (seemingly not in sync with world's rhythm/tune), but that is when we are in tune with His symphony.  This is our expression to God of our love and faithfulness to God and our worship of God.

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