Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Friday, January 23, 2009

Meeting Dates

Heart2Heart Mothers' Fellowsihip will meet on the following Fridays :

30th Jan  
A Mom's Priority
(Preparing Our Children for the Future I)
What's a Mom's Priority? 
To give our child the best of experiences 
and everything in life?
Or it is more than that....?

13th Feb  
Prayer is A Way of.....
We are on a journey,
traveling with God through life.
How are we relating to Him?
What does our prayer life/prayers tell of us?

27th Feb  
Our Child's Relationship with God
(Preparing Our Children for the Future II)
Am I Nurturing a healthy perspective that
will help my child weather the storms of life?

13th Mar 
Seasons in Our Lives
Is a woman's life just one long season of motherhood?
What are the seasons in a woman's life?

27th Mar
God's Diet Plan
Guest Speaker : Mrs Malar Solomon
How are we nourishing our souls?
Is it even important to do so?
How can God's word be real & applicable
to our lives as moms?
How do we appropriate God's word for our lives?

Time  9.00-11.30am
Place BRMC Conference Rooms 1 & 2

Keep these Fridays free and join us for a time of learning and growing, prayer and fellowship!

All moms are welcome :)

Heart2Heart Mothers' Fellowship
Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

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