Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Looking For Answers?

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)
Often times, as moms, there are many things that need our immediate attention. In many ways, we have been conditioned by our children to attend to their needs from the time they were born - their cries of discomfort and hunger, their cries of pain and hurt. We become very much concerned with the here and now - with all our children's pressing needs and demands.

And so we move on in life with "the mom fix it" mode. And because we live in a fast paced world, we expect instant 'fix it' to many of our situations and problems too. And we go in search of answers, solutions or help - whatever we can get our hands on. We turn to books for help, or friends for solutions, or a counselor or pastor or seminar.

Perhaps, some of us come to Heart2Heart with a heavy burden in our hearts and with a hope of a possible solution to a crisis at home. We look at the topic title and think that perhaps this particular topic title may address a certain issue at hand. Perhaps it may. Perhaps not.

We want to encourage you to join us at Heart2Heart not just for the particular topic title that may be a possible solution to your problem, but to join us for all the sessions as much as you can.

Heart2Heart does not hold answers or solutions to our problems or crisis but what we try to do at Heart2Heart is to point you to the ONE who can and will lead you out of the dark valley. Jesus can if only we let HIM.

Through the study of God's word, learning together what it means to be a godly mother, we may arrive at the answer or solution ourselves or indirectly, through the DVDs, talks, sharing of life stories and experiences and discussions.

You see, the solutions or answers or possible ways to the solution may or may not come from that one particular session, but it could be from another session of a totally unrelated topic and God opens our eyes to see the real underlying issues of the problem.

We learn and grow as we share together in the group. And because we have moms with kids of different age groups, we can glean from their vast pool of experiences.

It is just amazing what each of us take home with us from each meeting. The take home message is different for each of us. God knows our hearts and if we will only allow Him into our hearts, we will hear Him speaking to us. The answer to our problems may be very plain right before our eyes.

So do come and join us when you can and learn and grow together in this journey of motherhood.


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