Inspiring Mothers, Building Homes

Monday, May 4, 2009

What Voices are Our Children Listening To?

Visit us at our new blog : Hearts of Moms Blog :)

As evidenced in the media over the past few weeks, there are many many voices, whether right or wrong, demanding the attention of our young - school, peers, friends, media, internet, movies .... which is right, which is wrong?

Which or Whose voice should our children listen to?

It seems there are no longer absolute values - they are constantly shifting and changing. Values are now subjected to the norms of society. But is the norm the right norm??

The grounds our children are standing on are shifting sand and that creates a lot of uncertainty, anxiety and insecurity in our children.

What values can our children hold on to that will prevent them from stumbling and sinking or equip them for the challenges in life ahead?

The answer to these questions lie in us. Yes, we the moms and dads!

More so now than ever, we need to build loving and close relationships with our children. We want our children to feel safe and secure with us - to know that they can confide in us and ask us any questions and we will not judge them, to know that we will be there for them always no matter what happens, to know that they can turn to us when faced with difficult / uncertain questions or times.

We need to build close relationships with our children so that we can continue to pass on godly values to them and so that in years to come we can still influence our children in positive ways.

Yes, there is much for us to do and it is a big task and responsibility. And honestly, we can't be that voice for our children or be the main influence in our children's lives if we, ourselves are confused by the voices around us.

So how can we help our children?

In order to help them, we need to return to God and His word, to depend on Him for wisdom and guidance. We need to spend time with Him and learn His ways. By reading God's word and hiding His word in our hearts, we ourselves will not be confused by the voices around and we will be able to discern truths from lies. Then and only then, can we pass on the right values to our children and be the voice that our children listen to.

Let us be the main voice our children listen to in their growing years.

Let us be the solid foundation that they can stand firm and secure in.

With God's help we can do it!

Over the next few postings, if time permits, I will continue to highlight resources that can help us in our mothering journey - on building relationships, on modesty, purity and integrity.

Do go back to our older postings and look up postings on teaching purity and integrity to our children.

I do hope that these postings and resources will be a blessing to your walk with the Lord and in nurturing your relationships with your children.

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